Flue-cured Virginia Tobacco is an important cash crop world wide. The way to improve the economics is to increase yield and grow high quality tobacco leaves, which market requires.
- Nitrogen is in the form of nitrate as well as ammonium. It supports vigorous initial growth and steady plant development.
- Phosphorous is applied in a highly plant-available form – vital for a healthy root system.
- A high content of potassium ensures a good leaf quality with high amount of sugars important for taste.
- Sulphur improves Nitrogen efficiency, as well as general plant health and growth.
- Micronutrient boron is balancing the natural supply.
We supply different tobacco formulations like:
- NPK 10-24-20+6S+0,1B
- NPK 10-18-24+7S+MgO+CaO+B
- NPK 14-14-20+6S+MgO+B
- NPK 8-18-15+6S+B
Amount of trace elements are adjusted to meet local requirements. Also, Chloride (Cl) content can be adjusted by using SOP and MOP as a raw material for Potassium (K20).
SOP contains K2O and S, and MOP in turn K2O and Cl.
Fertiliser Packaging
Tobacco processing companies face a lot of challenges trying to meet their customers’ requirements. One of the most important and demanding is to avoid any type of plastic mixed with cured tobacco leaves.
The problem with “normal” woven polypropylene (wpp/pe) bags comes from the common practice whereby tobacco growers tear the bag and use pp strips to bind together tobacco leaves. This practice heavily increases the risk of contaminating the cured tobacco with plastic threads often resulting in crop rejection.
Nutricare has been at the fore-front of working with producers in developing new types of tobacco fertiliser bags. Having introduced coloured laminated bags to East Africa we have recently been developing heavy duty PE bags for tropical conditions. The good thing with PE bags is that you cannot tear strips from the bag. However, the offside comes from durability of PE bags, including seals, UV issues etc.