and Important Nutrients for high yields
- improves vegetative growth
- increases crop bearing capacity
- increased bean size
- roots and bearing wood development
- early berry maturity
- bean density
- berry development and ripening
- mucilage formation
- water utilization efficiency
- enhances bean colour (blue/green grey colour)
- food formation
- plant hormone
- influences leaf size
- intensifies flower initiation and formation
- promotes shoot growth
- facilitates optimal flowering and fruit setting
- enhances aroma of the liquor
- enhances Nitrogen metabolism
Typical Coffee NPK fertilisers are as follows:
- NPK 15-5-20+te
- NPK 17-17-17
- NPK 20-10-10
- NPK 22-6-12+S+MgO+Zn+B
Amount of trace elements are adjusted to meet local requirements.
For successful coffee farming, growers need to monitor their plots regularly. If there are visible or anticipated micro-nutrient deficiencies, at least one foliar application is required.
Popular formulations:
- NPK 20-20-20 +B+Zn+Cu+Fe+Mn+Mo (Potassium source is Potassium Nitrate and SOP)
- NPK 18-18-24+MgO+B+Zn+Cu+Fe+Mn+Mo
- NPK 10-5-5+5B+5Zn
A rule of thumb application recommendation is 250 kg/tree of NPK during the season. Normally the first application (125 g/tree) is approx 6 months before flowering and the second application (125 g/tree) is after flowering, when berries start to grow. it is also recommendable to have soil analysis every third year to fine-tune nutrient contents.
In East Africa, another general rule is that you need 1 kg of Nitrogen to be able to grow 10 kg of coffee berries. If your target yield is 2000 kg/ha of berries, you need to apply 200 kg/ha of Nitrogen.
Robusta in Uganda
Flowering Robusta in November
Tailor made robusta NPK 18-5-14+te applied by hand
Robusta coffee berries